Goodness in The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

In his book, The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis emphasizes the importance of recognizing that there is another battle going on besides what people can see.  This is the battle of principalities and powers.  Lewis describes two related demons, Screwtape and Wormwood, who are working together to try to ensure that The Patient does not turn to the ways of God or the Bible.  They are constantly battling the angels for victory over the Patient’s choices of friends and values.  Screwtape is the one giving strategic advice to Wormwood who carries, or at least tries to carry, them out.   

Goodness, as viewed by Plato and as stated in his Ideal Form, encourages people to focus on “the one form of sameness and difference that was relevant to the particular ways of life themselves.”  Plato writes that the Form (or Idea) of the Good is the ultimate object of knowledge, although it is not knowledge itself, and from the Good, things that are just, gain their usefulness and value.  Two forms of goodness are beauty and truth.  

An example of Goodness in The Screwtape Letters is Screwtape and Wormwood working together as a team.  Although their mission is self centered and evil, their partnership in a common goal represents loyalty and trust between the two beings and is somewhat of an example of how people can come together when they need to accomplish something. 

One example of beauty in The Screwtape Letters is when the Patient becomes a Christian.  This is just the beginning for the Patient of a long road filled with difficult challenges, but the Patient is going to do his part in fighting the battle and is going to let God do the rest.  This is an example of beauty because the Patient is making a commitment to follow God and His Word.  In Luke 15:10, it states that whenever a person gets saved, the angels in heaven rejoice.  Therefore, this occurrence represents a form of beauty and therefore, goodness.

An example of truth in The Screwtape Letters, which is another form of goodness, is how interestingly enough, Screwtape must borrow all of his philosophical ideas from the Truth of God.  Screwtape knows that there are many instances when he cannot defeat the angel on the other side of the battlefield, however, He must use all truths and facts to determine his next action when this is not the case.  In conclusion of this example, it is now understood that the devil does not have his own set of rules and truths; he must use the real Truth to work at anything.  With this in mind, one can go to the “Rulebook” where these truths can be found.  He can use this “Book of Truth” to discern how to defend himself from the enemy’s tactics.  The devil cannot invent a new truth that we do not know about, so this gives us a better sense of security when it comes to our faith.

In conclusion, two examples of goodness in The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis include the one of beauty (The Patient getting saved) and the one of truth (All truths being knowable and that there is no other truth).Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8)

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